How to Make Baby Sleep in Bassinet: Simple Tips to Try


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How to Make Baby Sleep in Bassinet

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Getting your baby to sleep in a bassinet is not easy for some new parents. You may want to know why some babies enjoy it and others not.You need to figure out what your baby needs to sleep well in a bassinet.

Learn tips to make a calm sleep area and calming methods for your baby. You’ll find solutions for issues like the startle reflex, being too tired, and moving from the womb. Solve these common problems to help your baby sleep better and grow.

How to Make Baby Sleep in Bassinet
How to Make Baby Sleep in Bassinet

Key Takeaways

  • Establish a comfortable sleep space with the right room temperature and quiet background noise.
  • You can Use the 5 S’s – swaddle, shush, swing, side/stomach and suck.
  • Please pay attention to when your baby is sleepy. Don’t let them be awake for too long or they will struggle to sleep.
  • Help your baby transition from sharing your bed to their bassinet.
  • It’s better to teach your baby to self-soothe by laying them down when they are almost asleep but still aware in the bassinet.

Why Babies Struggle to Sleep in a Bassinet

Newborns might find it hard to sleep well in a bassinet. They can wake up suddenly due to the Moro reflex. This reflex happens when they feel the lack of safety, like in the open space of a bassinet.

Transition from Womb Environment

At first, babies miss the comfortable space of the womb. They’re not used to the bigger space of a bassinet. They want the snug and secure feeling they had before birth.


An overtired baby can’t sleep. This is because of stress hormone and too much cortisol. 25% of newborns get this. Sleep in the bassinet is harder. Overtiredness can really make them resist sleep in the bassinet.

Other issues can make sleeping in a bassinet tough too. Do you know it? Things like being uncomfortable,reflux, having gas problems can make it hard to sleep. These issues affect approximately 20%, 15%, and 10% of babies, respectively.

Newborns have About 30% of startle reflex , which can disturb their sleep. For many, about 40%, being held is what they prefer for sleep. This preference can make them avoid sleeping in a bassinet.

Knowing these reasons why babies don’t sleep well in a bassinet can guide parents. They can find ways to handle these issues. This can help the baby get the good sleep they need.

Importance of Bassinet Sleep for Newborns

Newborns need lots of sleep in a safe place. Using a bassinet is a great choice for both baby and parent benefits.

Safety Considerations

They’re designed to be safe. Meet AAP and JPMA. (Note: American Academy of Pediatrics and Juvenile Products Manufacturers Association)

We cut down risks by placing babies on their backs in bassinets. This includes sudden infant death syndrome and other dangerous sleep scenarios.

Gradual Transition to Crib

Bassinets ease the move from womb-like spaces to cribs. This step-by-step shift helps babies get used to self-soothing and larger sleeping areas.

Using bassinets is key for babys’ well-being. It ensures they sleep well and safe, forming good sleep patterns for the future.

Creating a Calming Sleep Environment

Make a quiet dark space for your baby to sleep. White noise will make them feel like they are back in the womb.

Quiet and Dark Room

Put the bassinet in a comfortable, quiet spot. Avoid loud noises and bright lights. This step is key for your baby’s sleep. UTo keep the room dark and peaceful use blackout curtains. It makes it easier for your baby to fall asleep.

White Noise Machine

A white noise machine makes sounds like the womb. This familiar sound helps your baby relax. And fall asleep easier in their bassinet5.

Optimal Room Temperature

Keep the room at 68-72°F to avoid sleep disturbances. Dress your baby in an extra layer for coziness. This helps them be comfortable in their bassinet5.

A Bedtime Routine

Following a bedtime routine is good for newborns and babies. Babies love predictability and routine because it makes them feel safe and sound. Babies with a bedtime routine fall asleep faster, they wake less in the night and sleep better.

Warm Bath and Massage

A warm bath and massage will signal to your baby that it is time to relax and sleep. Babies produce more melatonin (the sleep hormone) when someone message theme. This calm time makes it easier for them to go to sleep.

Bedtime Stories

If possible read to them or sing to them. It helps them to relax even more. Do this every night. Starting this routine early is good for the baby and parent in the future.

How to Make Baby Sleep in Bassinet

Swaddling your baby is a one of the best technique for better sleep. It makes them feel secure and safe, just like in the womb. This can help them sleep comfortably in the bassinet.

Swaddling Techniques

For swaddling, pick a light and breathable cloth. Make sure it’s not too tight. The swaddle should gently hold the baby’s arms. However, they should be able to wiggle a little. Try different swaddling ways to find which one your baby prefers. This will help them relax and sleep well in the bassinet.

Rocking or Gliding Bassinet

A bassinet that rocks or glides can be very soothing. It helps your baby transition to sleep. The motion is calming and reminds them of being in the womb. This can make falling asleep easier for them.

Some babies might need more time to get used to the bassinet, especially older ones. Remember to be patient and use the bassinet consistently. Over time, they will learn to associate it with good sleep.

Managing Nap Schedules

Making sure your newborn naps often is key. It stops them from getting too tired, which then makes sleeping in the bassinet hard. Babies from four to 12 months can nap two to four times daily. How often and how long they nap depends on their age and daily awake times. Newborns, for example, should sleep every 60-90 minutes. They need 15-17 hours of sleep in a full day.

Recognizing Sleep Cues

Keep an eye out for signs that your infant is about to go asleep, such yawning. Acting fast can lead to better sleep in the bassinet. Please pay attention to your baby’s sleepy cues and acting on them promptly is crucial for their rest.

Avoiding Overtiredness

When your baby is tired, it’s really hard for baby to fall asleep. Babies 4 to 6 months old should nap every one to two and a quarter hours. They require three to four and a half hours of day sleep.

 For seven to nine-month-olds, naps should be spaced every one and three quarters to three hours. This amounts to two and a half to four hours of day sleep.

 Finally, 10 to 12 month-olds need naps spaced. It needs every two to three and a half hours. They should get two and a half to three and a half hours of sleep during the day.

If you understand your baby’s needs, you can prevent overtiredness and help them sleep better in the bassinet.

Optimizing Feeding Routines

Feed during the day on demand so they don’t get too hungry. This helps them sleep at night. Don’t put them down to sleep straight after feeding. They will struggle to sleep if they’re uncomfortable.

Feeding on Demand

Providing food when the baby needs it, not by a clock, makes them happy and rests better. It fits their natural cycle, making them feel secure and sleep without hunger issues.

Timing of Feedings

Plan to feed the baby with a gap before sleep. This avoids sleep after eating, which can be uncomfortable. A short break before sleeping helps the baby to relax and fall asleep better.

Encouraging Self-Soothing Skills

To get your baby to sleep in the bassinet, teach them self-soothing. Put your baby in the bassinet when they are almost asleep but still awake. This way they get used to falling asleep by themselves. This helps the baby not to need to be rocked or fed.

Putting Baby Down Drowsy but Awake

Putting your baby in the bassinet when they’re a bit sleepy but not fully asleep is important. It helps them understand that the bassinet is a place to sleep. They also learn to calm themselves down before sleep. This sets them up for good sleep in the future.

Pacifier Use

You can use a pacifier, it is great way to encourage self-soothing. It can start your baby’s calming reflex. This makes them feel relaxed and helps them fall asleep in the bassinet easily. Start using a pacifier at the right time to avoid any problems with breastfeeding.

Help your baby learn to sleep by themselves. Be patient and keep at it. These skills take time to develop. But with your help, your baby will learn to sleep well on their own in the bassinet.

Transitioning from Co-Sleeping

Please take patience, it takes time to transitioning from co-sleeping. It’s good to start slowly by having your baby nap in the bassinet. This gets them used to the new sleeping spot.

Later, try napping them in the nursery and the crib during the day as well. This makes the switch to night sleeping easier.

Maintaining Familiarity

You can make the bassinet cozier by letting the baby smell you on the sheet. Or, keep using a familiar swaddle. This helps them feel safe in their new sleep spot.

You can move your baby from co-sleeping once they can sleep safely in the crib alone. It is the best idea and especially important for younger babies.

The change might not be quick, but staying consistent and patient is the key. Having regular bedtimes and rules can make it smoother.

Every child is different, and some may find it hard. Be understanding and meet their needs as they adjust. This approach helps deal with any upset or resistance.


Why do babies struggle to sleep in a bassinet?

Babies might find it hard to sleep in a bassinet for a few reasons. This includes them being used to snoozing on their parents. They might also be too tired, have acid reflux, or get easily startled.

What are the safety considerations for bassinet sleep?

Safety is key when it comes to bassinet sleep. They are made to avoid dangers like SIDS, accidentally getting smothered, or harmed. Always have your baby sleep on their back on a hard, even surface. Keep the area clear of soft items and toys, as the American Academy of Pediatrics suggests.

How can I create a calming sleep environment for my baby in the bassinet?

To make the bassinet a peaceful sleep spot, pick a quiet, dim spot in the room. Use a white noise machine. Keep the room temperature right, between 68 and 72°F.

What can I do to establish a good bedtime routine for bassinet sleep?

A relaxing routine is great for telling your baby it’s sleep time. Begin with a bath and a massage. Then, tell a bedtime story or sing a lullaby.

How can I help my baby learn to self-soothe and fall asleep in the bassinet?

Putting your baby in the bassinet when they’re a bit drowsy can teach them to doze off alone. This is better than always needing to be rocked or fed to sleep. A pacifier can also play a role in comforting them and encouraging self-soothing.

How can I transition my baby from co-sleeping to the bassinet?

If your baby usually sleeps with you, slowly switching to the bassinet can work. Start with napping in it. To help, use something with your scent or a swaddle they like. This makes the change smoother.

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