How To Fold Evenflo Stroller Bassinet? Top 7 Steps


how to fold evenflo stroller bassinet

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Becoming a new parent is an exciting journey filled with countless decisions, and choosing the right stroller is one of the most important ones. The Evenflo Stroller Bassinet stands out due to its combination of comfort, functionality, and ease of use. Designed to make your outings smoother, this stroller bassinet offers a cozy space for your baby while ensuring convenience for you.

But one of the essential skills every parent needs to master is folding the stroller bassinet efficiently. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the process step-by-step, provide tips on maintaining your stroller, share safety measures, and include real parent testimonials.

how to fold evenflo stroller bassinet
how to fold evenflo stroller bassinet

Step-by-Step Guide on How To Fold Evenflo Stroller Bassinet

Folding your Evenflo Stroller Bassinet might feel tricky at first, but with a bit of practice, it will soon be second nature. Here’s a simple step-by-step guide on how to fold your Evenflo Stroller Bassinet to help you get started:

Step 1: Prepare the Bassinet

Before folding, ensure that the stroller is empty. Remove any items from the storage basket and ensure there are no toys or accessories in the bassinet. This step is important because leaving items in the stroller can make it difficult to fold properly and might damage both the items and the stroller.

By starting with an empty stroller, you ensure a smoother and more efficient folding process. Take a moment to check all compartments and pockets for any forgotten items.

Step 2: Engage the Brakes

Safety first! Engage the stroller’s brakes to keep it from moving while you fold it. The procedure will run more smoothly and safely as a result. Engaging the brakes prevents the stroller from rolling away, which can be particularly important on uneven surfaces or slopes.

It also stabilizes the stroller, making it easier to handle and fold. Make sure the brakes are fully engaged before proceeding to avoid any accidents or mishaps.

Step 3: Adjust the Canopy and Handle

Retract the canopy by pushing it back, and if the handle is adjustable, lower it to the lowest position. This will make the stroller more compact when folded. Adjusting the canopy and handle ensures that there are no protruding parts that could obstruct the folding process.

A fully retracted canopy and lowered handle help to streamline the stroller’s shape, allowing it to fold neatly and compactly. This makes storage and transport much more convenient.

Step 4: Locate the Folding Mechanism

Find the folding mechanism, which is usually located near the handle or on the side of the stroller frame. It typically involves a button, lever, or latch. Familiarizing yourself with the folding mechanism’s location and operation is crucial for a smooth folding process.

Take a moment to identify and understand how your stroller’s specific mechanism works. This knowledge will make the subsequent steps easier and quicker.

Step 5: Activate the Folding Mechanism

Activate the folding mechanism by pressing the button or pulling the lever. You may need to use both hands to do this, depending on the design of your stroller. Engaging the folding mechanism usually requires some coordination and might need both hands for balance and control.

Ensure you follow the manufacturer’s instructions to avoid forcing the mechanism, which could lead to damage. Proper activation will allow the stroller to start collapsing efficiently.

Step 6: Collapse the Stroller

As you activate the folding mechanism, gently push the stroller frame downward. The bassinet should start to collapse inward. Continue to guide the frame until it is fully folded.

Gently guiding the frame helps prevent any sudden movements that could damage the stroller. Make sure all parts fold as intended without resistance. This step ensures that the stroller is fully compacted and ready for storage or transport.

Step 7: Secure the Folded Stroller

Some models come with a latch or strap to keep the stroller securely folded. Fasten this latch or strap to ensure the stroller remains compact and easy to carry or store.

Securing the folded stroller prevents it from accidentally unfolding, which can be inconvenient and potentially hazardous. Ensure the latch or strap is fastened properly so the stroller stays in its compact form. This makes it easier to handle and safer to store.

Safety Measures and Best Practices

Safety is paramount when using any baby gear. Here are some safety measures and best practices for using your Evenflo Stroller Bassinet:

  • Always Use the Harness: Ensure your baby is securely strapped in using the stroller’s harness system.
  • Avoid Overloading: Do not exceed the stroller’s weight limit or overload the storage basket, as this can affect stability.
  • Stay Alert: Always keep an eye on your child while using the stroller and never leave them unattended.
  • Brake When Stationary: Engage the brakes whenever you stop, even momentarily, to prevent the stroller from rolling away.
  • Follow Manufacturer’s Instructions: Adhere to all guidelines and recommendations provided by Evenflo for the safe use of the stroller bassinet.


The Evenflo Stroller Bassinet offers convenience and safety for both parents and babies. Its easy folding mechanism, compact design, and practical features make it a must-have for any new parent. Following the above steps and safety measures will ensure a smooth folding process every time. With the Evenflo Stroller Bassinet, you can enjoy stress-free outings with your little one.


What is the weight limit for the Evenflo Stroller Bassinet?

The stroller bassinet has a maximum weight capacity of 35 pounds.

Can I use the bassinet for overnight sleeping?

No, the bassinet is not intended for overnight sleeping. It is designed for short naps and on-the-go convenience.

Is the stroller suitable for all terrains?

The stroller is best suited for smooth surfaces, but it can handle light terrain such as grass and gravel. However, we recommend avoiding rough or uneven surfaces for safety reasons.

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